This is a photo of my old foster parent. The biggest complaint I have about him was that he mocked us foster kids for not being allowed to see our friends and family and just leave the group homes.…/03/15/night-shift-groper-fi…
As a former crown ward foster child I can`t get over a issue and I need to share this and warn others about this topic.
I can`t get over how none of these 3 agencies do not inform their clients prior to becoming a client that the organization like to post clients stories like this:
Timmins Long Term Care: Its disgusting that even the Timmins Long Term Care does this…/remarkable-moments/
St. Clare’s Multifai
I can`t get over how none of these 3 agencies do not inform their clients prior to becoming a client that the organization like to post clients stories like this:
Timmins Long Term Care: Its disgusting that even the Timmins Long Term Care does this…/remarkable-moments/
St. Clare’s Multifai