Lots of survivors sharing their stories of abuse and the hope they have that they will get justice

Saturday, 14 May 2016

This is a photo of my old foster parent. The biggest complaint I have about him was that he mocked us foster kids for not being allowed to see our friends and family and just leave the group homes.http://www.thesudburystar.com/…/03/15/night-shift-groper-fi…
As a former crown ward foster child I can`t get over a issue and I need to share this and warn others about this topic.
I can`t get over how none of these 3 agencies do not inform their clients prior to becoming a client that the organization like to post clients stories like this:
CAS: https://www.google.ca/search
Timmins Long Term Care: Its disgusting that even the Timmins Long Term Care does thishttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjtxIkzLn4GGor10j2oUTiA
St. Clare’s Multifai

th Housing Society: They also do what CAS and Timmins Ontario Long Term Care Home does:https://vimeo.com/87683537

Sunday, 18 October 2015

If nobody listens to crown wards and they only listen to lawyers and money and media there will be no future change.

I know it. The truth hurts.

I need my family to join this new crown ward class action suit.

A few years ago my mothers sister told me I will never be able to stop child abuse and it is true and the truth hurts. I am never ever going to achieve my real goal. I know it. 

I am not perfect and I have made mistakes. One of my mistakes is meeting with my mothers sister in 2009 and not trying harder to listen and validating her pain and listening to her story. I guess I have better kills now.

I am sorry. 

I am currently in therapy and I am learning how to show compassion. 

I am sorry for not listening to my mothers sister and her grandmother. 

I hope to help in the future with anyones future claims in the future and I still agree to mediation.... 

The person who contacted the admins of the City of Timmins Facebook group is a hypocrite. They pretend to care about my mom and I are they pretend to care about this new crown ward class action suit. I have the right to make this post. I am defending myself. If they really care about children they would be joining this class action suit.

They say they don't want money but what about policy changes and validating my pain and suffering and helping me heal and giving me your time and helping me get compensation to be used on therapy? Its not like I don't want help and its not like I am not already in therapy and its not like I am not talking with my therapist about quitting weed and its not like I did not quite weed.

The person is a family member...sad.